VR headset is the best approach.

Blue Flower
Blue Flower
Blue Flower
Blue Flower

VR headset is the best approach.

One of the first scientists we approached for advice was Bas Rokers. In the field of the neurological aspects of amblyopia, Bas is a much sought-after speaker and inspiration. Bas is associate professor and director of the Neuroimaging Center at New York University Abu Dhabi.

His work aims to uncover the neural basis of visual perception, with an emphasis on motion and depth perception. He has held visiting positions at Utrecht University in the Netherlands, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and New York University. In addition to basic research, he has contributed to science education through the Wisconsin Virtual Brain Project and the National Geographic television series Brain Games.

Rokers endorses our choice for a VR headset as a means to offer dichoptic gaming. “With a VR headset you control the entire field of view and you can shape the spatial information very well,” says Bas.